A 96-year-old WWII veteran, known as “Harmonica Pete,” created a buzz on social media with his remarkable rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”
Dressed in a US soccer shirt and a “World War II Veteran” hat adorned with pins and medals, Pete performed in front of 26,000 people.
His performance stood out for its emotional depth and skillful harmonica playing, captivating the entire arena. Despite the grandeur of the event, Pete remained modest about his talent.
“I’m just a harmonica player,” he said. “I don’t know much about music, but I know how to make a harmonica speak.”
Pete’s performance quickly went viral, garnering approximately nine million views on both Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).
Despite the attention, he downplayed his achievement, emphasizing that his rendition was simply the “Star-Spangled Banner” played as it was intended.
Check out the video below!