That magical moment unfolded when Mennel, a remarkably talented young woman, graced the stage of La Voz France to deliver a rendition of this beloved song.
Mennell’s enchanting performance captivates on multiple levels, from her angelic vocal tones to the innocence radiating from her face.
What added an extra layer of charm to the experience was a judge who, utterly captivated by Mennel’s sweet and angelic voice, enthusiastically pressed the red button within mere seconds of her singing.
The judge, upon glimpsing the innocence and sweetness reflected in her face, felt as if this young woman was a celestial gift.
Yet, the true revelation came when Mennell unveiled her surprising twist on the classic by Leonard Cohen.
Mennell’s singing style is a genuine heart-stealer. Opting for a more authentic approach over the glam of a pop diva, she showcased her natural beauty.
Her hair, adorned with a simple scarf, drew added attention to her captivating blue eyes.
The minimalist presentation only served to enhance the beauty of her sweet voice, inviting the audience to luxuriate in the delightful sounds that reverberated throughout the room.
Here is the video: