Garth Brooks has performed for practically every President of the United States since the 1980s. Joe Biden has joined the ranks of country music royalty.
Some of music’s biggest stars attended the inauguration of now-President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. However, one of those stars performed a rendition of one of the greatest anthems of all time.
Garth Brooks performed ‘Amazing Grace,’ which he used to beg for unity. Anyone who hears this A cappella version of this song will experience goosebumps.
Especially when performed by a country music legend like Garth Brooks. Brooks begins a new chapter in history with a song that offers hope and optimism for the future as one chapter closes and another begins.
Brooks has performed in front of several US presidents (with the exception of Ronald Reagan) since the 1980s. He can now include the 46th President of the United States in that list.
Brooks can be proud that he has performed in front of numerous foreign leaders, regardless of political persuasion. This isn’t the first time Brooks has met a President, but it’s unlikely to be the last.