Parrots are a type of bird that belongs to the infraclass of newfooted birds. It contains approximately 330 species. Parrots are not thought to be the nicest of animals. However, this is a deception. There is evidence of this.
You never know how a pet would react to a newborn who is the center of attention.
That is why having a well-trained pet is essential when bringing tiny babies and children around. Fortunately, this family has a cockatiel who likes their newborn baby and keeps an eye on him as he sleeps.
This adorable video will have you thinking about getting your own cockatiel!
Since the day the newborn baby came into the house a month ago, this beautiful wavy parrot has taken over the baby’s care.
His duties include entertaining the baby, and when it’s time to sleep, the parrot sings amazing songs. See how the baby attentively listens to the bird’s chirping and then falls asleep peacefully.
Maybe he even understands what the parrot is singing to him!