Because of her unique characteristics, the cute infant born with a rare ailment garnered attention.
Her nose was ornamented with a big crimson mole.
Fortunately, medical professionals informed everyone that the red tint was temporary and would fade away soon.
The worried parents, in particular, were concerned about the reddish mole, worrying it would cause issues.
The lovely infant was diagnosed with a hemangioma, and she was given a few treatments.
The parents hoped that the treatment would be beneficial.
However, they saw no improvement over the years, and the red mole continued to proliferate.
This time, it had spread to her face, reawakening her parents’ anxiety about her safety.
Strangers also made disparaging remarks about the cute baby’s appearance, calling her a “clown.”
The once cheerful child retreated from social engagements, even those with her pals.
This caused her parents to grow increasingly concerned about her future, prompting them to seek for a specialist who could give the necessary treatment.
They were fortunate to find a sympathetic specialist who conducted the treatment quickly and efficiently.
The delighted parents initially struggled to recognize Coney because they were used to seeing her with her “enormous amusing blemish.”
It was only after the treatment that the lovely young lady began reconnecting with friends and others, gaining greater self-confidence.