Charlotte is a three-year-old child with exceptional piano abilities and the most adorable smile. She sat in front of the piano in a gorgeous floral frock, while her mother held up the video camera.
Her mother asked Charlotte to play the piano for her, but Charlotte insisted on singing happy birthday first. Mom requested that Charlotte play for her, and Charlotte gladly obliged.
Charlotte placed her tiny fingers on the piano keys with a nice smile on her face, but she didn’t press them yet as she prepared for her spectacular performance.
Charlotte looked down and waited for a dramatic pause before beginning to play. She even sang while playing J.C.F. Bach’s ‘Allegretto.’ She glanced at the piano with her head held high.
Her enthusiasm and spirit danced from key to key as she played. The music wasn’t hers, but the song was. Behind the camera, Charlotte’s mother was most likely smiling and dancing.
It was an impressive performance. Charlotte played flawlessly and confidently without missing a beat. She was as good as Mozart, who started playing piano at the same age as well.
At the end of the song, Charlotte receives compliments from her mom, and they high-five each other. Charlotte smiles from ear to ear and cheers joyfully.